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Symptoms of Diabetes

When evaluating diabetes there are many symptoms, but it is important to look at each diabetes symptom closely. The major symptoms include prolonged elevated blood glucose levels, frequent urination, persistent thirst, vision changes, lethargy, sudden weight loss, delayed wound healing, hunger, and neuropathy of the feet. There are many other symptoms that may be associated with this disorder. It is important to understand the physiology behind each diabetes symptom.

Blood Glucose Levels

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Elevated blood glucose levels are often the key diabetes symptom used to diagnose the condition. However, they are usually the last recognized diabetes symptom. This is because most people do not have a glucometer, and therefore do not regularly check their blood sugar levels. When other symptoms begin showing up people decide to get their bodies checked out and the doctor will usually do a blood glucose check. This may be months after the first onset of symptoms.

The excess glucose in the blood stream must be eliminated somehow. The body does not have insulin to transport it to the cells for use so the body must get rid of it. The diabetes symptom associated with this process is frequent urination. The body sends the glucose to the kidneys to get rid of it creating more urine and causing frequent urination. The body also calls for more fluid intake to dilute the glucose in the blood leading to persistent thirst.

Frequent Weight Loss

A commonly misinterpreted diabetes symptom is frequent weight loss. This symptom is caused by the cells inability to receive glucose for energy, and the subsequent dieing off of those cells. The increased hunger diabetes symptom is also a result of the body's inability to use the glucose in the blood stream. The body needs energy and because it can't use what is already there it tells the brain it is hungry. This only leads to more glucose in the blood and creates a vicious cycle.

The one diabetes symptom that precipitates the disease, and therefore all of the other symptoms is the elevated glucose levels. Controlling this diabetes symptom will often help manage the others as well.

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