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Diabetes and Cinnamon

Diabetes and cinnamon go together like heart disease and aspirin. While cinnamon will not cure diabetes, just as aspirin won't cure heart disease, it will help control the condition. The exact mechanism behind cinnamon's blood sugar lowering ability is not clear. It serves a dual purpose in diabetes control; as a blood glucose lowering agent and as a natural sweetener.

Blood Glucose Levels

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Cinnamon does appear to help the body regulate blood glucose levels, especially when taken as part of a sensible diet and exercise routine. Cinnamon has been shown to be an effective weight control supplement as well. Diabetes and cinnamon are an important combination. Diabetics who take cinnamon on a regular basis find their blood glucose easier to control, and sometimes less medication is needed to keep it under control.

Cinnamon has been used as a flavoring in foods for a long time. It serves as an alternative to sugar for diabetics and cinnamon also provides an alternative in baking. Many times the amount of sugar can be reduced by adding cinnamon to recipes. Adding cinnamon to some of the bland foods, often found on the menu of a diabetic, helps to spice up the diet.

Type II Diabetes

Diabetes and cinnamon, especially type II diabetes, fit together nicely. The cinnamon has been purported to support the beta cells in the pancreas, which are responsible for producing insulin. Studies have also shown direct blood sugar lowering effects similar to insulin injections in type II diabetics when 1-2 teaspoons of cinnamon were taken. The mechanism behind this effect is still being researched.

Cinnamon can be taken in capsule form or powdered form. The powdered form can be added to teas, shakes, or during baking to increase intake. One to two teaspoons a day have been shown to have a profound impact on blood glucose levels for some diabetics. For this reason diabetes and cinnamon have become a necessary combination.

Diet and Nutrition

Including cinnamon as part of a solid nutritional plan and exercise routine may be just the ticket for controlling diabetes. It generally takes a few weeks to see the effects of regular cinnamon use. However, the benefits are often fairly dramatic. Whether used for its blood sugar lowering or simply as a sugar free sweetener it can add a new dimension to the dietary regimen of the diabetic. Supplements are important for those people with diabetes, and cinnamon is an important one.

There are many nutritional supplements that support diabetics. Some of the others include gymnema sylvestre, bilberry, bitter melon, alpha lipoic acid, evening primrose oil, and fenugreek. The FDA does not control these supplements, like cinnamon, and the claims made about them have not been evaluated. They do come with centuries of anecdotal evidence and use. Of course, as with any medicine or supplement, it is important to consult a physician before adding anything new to the diet.

Diabetes and cinnamon may be bedfellows out of necessity, but that is the impetus that brings many great combinations together. Diabetics who add cinnamon to their diet on a regular basis often find a great sugar alternative, and a blood sugar lowering tool as well. When all is said and done, diabetes and cinnamon may not be as strange of bedfellows as once thought.

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